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Blogging by Email

With you can blog by email. You can even include a photo from your iPhone when you post your entry. This makes blogging while rolling easy. You need to set this up first inside of Blogger. Once you've created a blog, go to Settings>Email. Set a secret word for your blogger address. You might want to put this email address in your Contacts.

To blog, send your entry to this address. The subject line will become the title and the body of the email will become the entry. That's it.

To send a photo with your entry, just pick a photo from the camera roll or from your iPhone's photo library. At the bottom left of the screen tap the Share button. (The one with the arrow coming out of the image. If there's no button, tap your screen and it will appear.) Tap Email Photo. Put your entry title in the subject line. Put your entry text in the body of the email above the photo. (Blogger seems to cut off all text after the photo.) Mail it. About two minutes later your entry is up. Notes that Blogger will put your text after the image.

Advanced notes: You can delete you signature or ads if your mail providers adds them by typing #end at the end of your email. Your iPhone composes with only plain text mail so html tags don't work.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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