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Bookmarklet Apps

Bookmarklets are tiny one-function javascript apps that run in Safari. But the cool thing is that the function can pertain to the current page. One of the most useful for iPhone users is the Find In This Page bookmarklet from LifeClever. Since iPhone's Safari has no find feature, this does the trick by highlighting all occurences of the word you entered in yellow. Another Bookmarklet that Web developers will find useful is Abe Fettig's View Source that will show you the source code of the page you're on. There are hundreds of bookmarklets available by googling. Some work and some don't.

But here's the rub: You'll need to install them in your desktop Safari. You just Control click on the link to the bookmarklet and Add Link to Bookmarks. When you sync, they'll move to your iPhone.

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J. Kevin Wolfe
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