WiFi hotspots are quickly becoming a necessity in our lives. And finding hotspots is getting easier thanks to JiWire. JiWire is iPhone friendly and has both a large US listing as well as international listings of WiFi hotspots. It also notes if they're free or not. If you check your own area, you'll see just how much more complete you could help make it. You can add listings to help the list grow. Or just ask the manager of the place for their email, send them the the URL: http://www.jiwire.com and tell them it would be great for business to list themselves. After all, money don't talk, it screams.
How to's, best practices and app reviews for your iPhone.
Tips and best practices for your iPhone, best viewed on your iPhone. Remember: Search is your friend.
If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps. You'll find more here about creating this site.
J. Kevin Wolfe
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