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Instant Newsletter

This stunt allows you to create a newsletter template that can be stored in an email address in Contacts. Just tap the address and an email pops with the recipients, subject line and body text ready to go. The trick works because iPhone follows the mailto: URI scheme. The template can be entered and edited on your iPhone. but it's easier in the destop Contacts app and then sync to your iPhone. Create a new contact and title it My Newsletter or whatever. Open a new email address and enter:,, About Me Newsletter&body=By me and only me. All rights reserved. Suggestions?: Or call anytime at 800-555-1212. I have nothing better to do.

This creates an email with 3 recipients, a subject line and some disclaimer copy that would be included in each email. The return email address is usually recognized as a link in the recipient's email and the phone number will be clickable to dial it on an iPhone. All that's left to do is type the body. The rules:

  • No line breaks in this mess. You'll have to insert them later.
  • As shown here, follow each address with a comma. Not sure how many addresses you can include. I have tried 20.
  • Don't delete the & when replacing with your newsletter title.
  • Everything after the &body= will be inserted into body copy.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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