Web clips allow you to bookmark sites with an icon on your Home screen. This is very useful for those who use their iPhone for a dozen sites they regularly visit, since 16 will fit on their own page of your Home Screen. While this in itself is cool, the best function of these is that you can zoom in on a portion of a page. When you launch your Web clip from the Home screen it's pre-zoomed so you don't have to resize the page to read it. This trick works extremely well with Apple's discussion sites. If you zoom in on the top of the list of posts, they're legible without having to manually zoom or tap each time you go to the page. When you page back to this page, they remain zoomed in.
- Go to a site you want to clip in your iPhone's Safari.
- Tap or pinch to zoom in on the area you want to focus on.
- Press the + button.
- Choose Add to Home Screen.