How to's, best practices and app reviews for your iPhone.

Tips and best practices for your iPhone, best viewed on your iPhone. Remember: Search is your friend.

The Camera Doesn't Lie

Your iPhone camera is extremely useful for capturing evidence. All photos contain date and time information to help you prove your case.

  • Shoot that dent in the rental car when you pick it up to prove it was already there.
  • Snap new purchases in your house as proof for insurance in case of a robbery.
  • Shoot apartment damage when you first move in to protect your security deposit.
  • Snap your luggage at the airport so you can show the airline what you lost.
  • Take a photo of the kids before shopping or public events in case they get lost. Not only do you have a photo that can be passed around, but you won't have to tax your mind at a time to panic to try to remember what they're wearing.
  • Shoot damaged packages you get in the mail as proof that it was broke when you got it.
  • Not as critical, but extremely useful is to shoot a descriptive photo of where you parked your car.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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