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Maps: I Can See My House From Here

Maps makes the punch line to this awful joke possible. In addition to a paper map view you also have the option of satellite and a hybrid view between the two that drops in location names over the satellite map. To change to the satellite, tap the Eye button. Double tap the screen to zoom in. You can zoom all the way down to see individual trees and cars. (While out of town I used it to catch the guy in the white BMW squatting in my parking space.) Tap with two fingers to zoom out.

While the satellite view may seem a true geek feature at first, it's extremely useful:

  • You'll find more practical uses in everyday life. My son was doing a project on the Sphinx, so he found a satellite view of it on his Touch.
  • Since more and more remote locations, like national parks have cell coverage, it can be used as a topographical map of the area.
  • Combined with the Locate button (the one with crosshairs) you may be able to find yourself if you truly get lost.
Note that the info on Google maps varies in quality and accuracy. It's just depends on what's available. Both satellites and planes are used to snag the aerial views. A few places, like Indiana , have intricately mapped out every inch of the state for really solid views. In other places you'll find that even big cities are not that good. Also the images are all of varying ages: from very recent to numerous years old. So even though you may see your car parked in your driveway, looking closely you may find it is your previous car.

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J. Kevin Wolfe
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