Any of the standard Mac desktop wallpapers can be put on your iPhone with a few moves in iPhoto. I particularly like the Jaguar Aqua Blue of contrails and use it. Note that you'll be cropping the image to become a vertical image instead of horizontal:
- On your desktop go to HD>Library>Desktop Pictures (This is the folder where they're all stored)
- Drag the image of your choice to the iPhoto icon on your doc (This imports the image)
- Double click on the image to open it in the Edit mode
- Click Constrain
- Choose 2/3 from the list
- Hold the Option key while dragging the constrain box to full screen (This rotates orientation)
- Click Apply
- Click Done
- Drag the image to a folder you have set to sync with your iPhone
- View the image in Photos
- On the bottom of your screen, tap the icon of the photo with the arrow coming out of it
- Choose Use as Wallpaper
- Tap Set Wallpaper