Done (by Chilli X) is an elegant todo app is what a task manager for iPhone should be: simply useful. If you've tried others and are sick of the tacky graphics and the myriad of confusing screens, Done is easy on the eyes, simple to use and fits the most entries on the screen of any todo app I've tried. There are priorities and due dates available, but they're not required and don't get in the way for users who just want to enter something on the list and not have to overly think it.
The Sort function rocks. Shake your iPhone and completed items drop of the bottom of the list. If you've added priorities and due dates, the important and pertinent items will rise to the top of the list.
Another innovative feature is SnapShot. Tap the list button at the bottom center and your top six events are dumped as an image onto your camera roll. You can then assign this image as wallpaper. It's slightly inconvenient, but Apple has not allowed third party apps to assign wallpaper yet. You don't even needed to wake your iPhone to see the list. Just tap the Home button, view your list and the iPhone goes back to sleep in a few seconds.
In addition to using Done as a second mind for personal todo items, I use it as both a project management tool for work and a grocery list. For projects, I use the notes field to track hours and where the project stands. For groceries I keep a list of items, uncheck what I need and then shake the phone. The unchecked items rise to the top to the list.
Done also has a unique delete feature. Just turn the phone sideways and a giant button appears. Tap it and all checked items are deleted.
You can see individual lists or all your entries together. Done color categorizes entries, so if you want to view all items it's easy to tell what list they're from. All settings for Done are accessed from within the app so you don't have to go to systems settings to make a change.
Done is simple, flexible and looks like Apple made it. There's another version of done, so make sure you buy the one by Chilli X. It's worth the dollar.
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Apps: Done is how todo should be done.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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