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Improving Reception

If you're having phone reception problems it could be how you hold the phone. Your body does a wonderful job of absorbing cell signals. There's a good possibility that your hand is blocking the signal. Look at the back of your iPhone. Go ahead. Turn it over now. I'll wait.

Back? The area at the bottom of your phone is where your antenna is. So instead of holding your phone with your hand cupped over the antenna, grip it more at the top. When using Edge or 3G for sending an email or loading a Web page, turn the phone upside down and hold it at the bottom. Laugh, but it can improve data speed by 33% or more.

If the phone is in your pocket or in a holster around your waist, the signal may weaken. If you're using the ear buds or Bluetooth on a call, hold the phone away from our body or set it on a non-metal table during troublesome calls.

Also, the signal seems like it's dipping in high use areas because so many people are using cell service there. When most of the ATT connections in that area are in use, your signal may seem to weaken.

Indoors you get a better reception away from metal. Going to a window on the highest floor often works. But in an all-metal building you may even get better reception in the center of the building.

When plugged into a cord or the dock reception tends to improve. The theory is that the USB cable acts as an antenna extender.

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J. Kevin Wolfe
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