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iPhone Bluetooth Headset

Review: Good, bad but not at all ugly.

The bad:

  • The headsets have no real noise cancelling power. I you're in a noisy environment, expect you'll have to talk a little louder.
  • The range between you and your iPhone is minimal. This isn't normally a problem if your iphone is in your pocket or strapped to you, but you can't get more than 10 feet away from your phone without the signal breaking up. Most other high end sets have about a 30 foot range.
  • Battery life is reportedly short. But I've never had any problems with it on a normal day, even when it sits in the car in the cold.

The good:
  • For all the complaints on the Web about the Apple BT, it does have it's place.
  • It was made for your iPhone. It pairs with your iPhone automatically when you put them both in the dock. This minimizes connection problems.
  • It's tiny, comfortable and stays in your ear. This can be a problem with other bugs, all others I tried. (A 'bug' is a headset with no loop. A 'tick' has a loop. Those names are offical BT slang, so people will think you rock if you use them.)
  • It sounds great. With iPod technology behind it, it doesn't sound tiny like other sets I tried.
  • It comes with the dual dock so you can charge your BT and iPod at the same time. In many scathing reviews, this is an overlooked convenience factor.
  • Another convenience factor is that it has one button. That's it. No volume controls or other gizmos to accidentally press. Other tiny sets I tried made it almost impossible to answer a call without pressing another control. To control volume, use the volume rocker on your iPhone.
Conclusion: Not the greatest on the market or the most technologically advanced and it's pricey. But it does a good job at what it's supposed to do. And it's simple. I love that. Also it looks simplistically non-geeky, like you'd expect from Apple.

I bought the Apple BT and took it back. I then bought three other headsets in the same price range and below. The Samsung had a better range, but sounded tiny and wouldn't stay in my ear. Plus it had volume buttons you couldn't help but mis-hit. The Jabra was cheap but had a noise gate that required me to yell just to be heard and used a huge AAA battery. It seemed like it weighted as much as the iPhone and wouldn't stay in my ear either. Realizing that the grass wasn't any greener, I bought the Apple BT again.

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J. Kevin Wolfe
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