Currently there are few options for in-ear iPhone buds with remote controls. There's only one set on the market, the Vibe Duo. But actually thanks to a little clever ingenuity there are two. Griffin's Ear Jams will convert your standard iPhone buds to in-ear. These boost the bass response and raise the volume by about 10db. They're also comfortable and cancel out some noise.
But you can't just buy any Griffin Ear Jams. There are two kinds. They have the same model number so it makes it harder to tell them apart. The older models only worked on the first generation iPod headphones. The new Ear Jams have fittings for both. The only way to tell that you're getting the right ones is to make sure you see four white ear pieces through the clear plastic package. The older models, which won't fit, had only two. That's why I'd recommend you not buy them off the Net. I found mine at Radio Shack.
These retail for $20 and come with three sizes of silicone pads, the old ear jams (which might be useful on old style headphones for an iPod) and a very nice little case that no one ever uses.
I bought them specifically because the standard bud for my iPhone was falling out of my left ear. Not anymore. Since they're louder, when you turn them down to a normal level, you'll also get better battery life from your iPhone. The sound is really bassy. If it's distorted change your EQ setting on the iPhone to tame the bass. I like the Acoustic setting, which gives you a nice bit of high end presence.
For those who want some more high end options that have a remote, the Ear Jams may be a good interim measure while you wait for them to hit the market.
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Ear Buds: Ear Jams
Labels: accessories, earphones
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