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Keyboard Shortcuts

Typing on the iPhone is faster than you'd think. By following a few tips you'll be surprised how fast you can move accurately.

  • Double tap the space bar to add a period, space and start a new sentence with a cap. This is so useful that you'll miss it on your desktop.
  • Instead of pressing Shift key, hold it and slide to the character you want on the numbers keyboard. This types the character and returns the keyboard to QWERTY.
  • From the Number keyboard, a space automatically returns you to the QWERTY keyboard.
  • The dictionary makes suggestions for mistakes and to complete words. When the suggestion is correct, press the space bar to accept. It will finish the word and add a space. Press the space bar twice to accept and it adds a period. If you don't like the suggestion, press the x to dismiss it.
  • If you mistype a letter, with your finger still on the key, just slide it to the correct key.
  • Type contractions without the apostrophe. The dictionary will suggest a correction for you. We'll and we're need the contraction added manually. To get to Hell (only literarily) touch the original word above the correction before typing the space.
  • Delete deletes a character. Holding it deletes backwards through many letters. Holding it longer will start deleting words.
  • For better accuracy, type normally with a fearless press of your finger. When you type hesitantly and daintily with the tip, you'll get more mistakes.
  • Correct with the magnifier. Hold your finger over the mistake and the magnifier appears. Moving your finger moves the cursor.
  • From the number keyboard there's a third keyboard available by pressing the #+= cursing key. These are the even lesser-used characters.
  • Enable caps lock from Home>Settings>General>Keyboard>Enable Caps Lock. Caps lock shows as blue when you double-tap on the cap key.
  • When the .com key is visible you can hold it down and .org, .net and .edu appear as a list. Slide your finger over the domain and let go to accept. This also works by holding the period on any alphabetical kb where the @ appears.
  • Hold down the quote or apostrophe key for smart quotes.
  • Benchmark yourself. This app will help you test your speed.

Eventually your cries for a Bluetooth keyboard will diminish, or be squelched out by your adeptness.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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