Auto-suggest works like a real-time spell checker on your iPhone and is only visible when it pops up a word suggestion in Email, Notes or other apps. It's a little confusing at first: if it makes a suggestion and you type a space after the word, it accepts it whether you wanted it or not. To keep it from doing this, you must press the x by the suggested word to dismiss it. Seems backwards, but as time goes by its accuracy improves and you'll find you're dismissing less and less.
No, it's not your imagination. It learns to be more accurate for your typing. Auto-suggest takes words from a list built into memory, from your address book and from a user-built list. And you're the user who's been building this list from the first time you typed on your iPhone. The second time you dismissed a word, used the space bar, used punctuation or typed a return, iPhone has added your unrecognized words to the list. Also when you 've dismissed a suggestion twice the phone will no longer suggest it.
The reality is that if you've made a flub, you may actually start seeing the flub as a suggested spelling. But not to fear, autosuggest ranks words according to use. Since you never use the flub it will keep ranking the flub lower on the list and eventually stop suggesting it.
If you've really messed up the first few days you had your iPhone, you can delete the user auto-suggest list: go to Home>Settings>General>Reset>Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
On the other hand if you want to improve your odds off the bat, create a seed list. Just create a new Contact on your iPhone and type into the note field the words you want to add, each separated by a space. Since it scans your Contacts as a word source, it will suggest these words. If you use a lot of technical terms, slang or SMS abbreviations, this will greatly improve your typing speed. You can seed these words by typing them into a Contact entry on your desktop and then sync if to your iPhone.
Another point on the keyboard is that your iPhone guesses what you're trying to type based on the keys around where you hit. So if you missed a key in the middle of the word, it will determine what keys you could have been trying for based on the frequency of words you use instead of one that's more commonly used. Type ouzza and you get pizza. So even when you type fast and flub, many times auto-suggest has you covered.
It has been reported on the Net that will contractions like he'll and I'll require you to type a third l so it can determine them from will and ill. However, if you just type them in manually twice or store them in a Contact notes field they'll become suggestions. Just like they'll.
And another thing: The keyboard actually increases the size of the touch area for keys based on what it expects you'll type. So when you type tim it enlarges the area of the e key since w and r are not likely candidates.
What all this mean is that once you get moving with the iPhone keyboard not only do you improve, but your iPhone improves too.
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Secrets of Auto Suggest
Labels: auto-suggest, keyboard
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