I think that people who create To Do apps are not unorganized people. How many of these things have you seen that require a phd in organization just to use? There are due dates and priorities and categories. And their weird thing is that they look a mess on the screen and force you to weed through data. I just want to press a button to open the app and see my To Dos. That's how unorganized people work.
I'm convinced that Rhys Cox, the developer of Checklist, is one of us. I'm betting he has a foot-high pile of papers on his desk and this month's unpaid bill for net access is at the bottom somewhere. Rhys has created a stupidly simple To Do list for the rest of us. No frills, just function. Checklist has one scrollable screen, so when you open it, you see your checklist. You don't get a screen full of lists you need to choose from first. Or minor things are were due a week ago cluttering the top of your list forcing you to scroll to get to the important stuff.
The function of Checklist is simple. You'll see the first nine items on your list. This appears to be the most of any To Do or Tasklist app for iPhone. To see more, flick up to scroll. When done with the item, you have two choices: Tap the checkbox to check it off, or delete it by swiping right. Want to change the order of the list? Tap the Edit button, put your finger on the list icon on the right of an item and drag the item where you want it.
Checklist is free. And it's as convenient as it gets for those of us so unorganized that we're currently wearing the wrong sock on the right foot and no sock on the left.
I type a "w" and a double space before work-related entries to distinguish them. Minimal screen space wasted and a very quick to do.
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App Review: Checklist
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