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The Pogo Stylus

The Pogo stylus is the first (and appears only) stylus for the iPhone. It seems useless at: a stylus for a phone designed to be stylus-free and actually designed not to work with any stylus.

So why should a company work so hard to develop a stylus that actually works with the iPhone? Those with large fingers find it useful. Some find typing with it is faster (though that just means they're too cautious typing in the first place.) But the real advantage is that you can get more accuracy with newly available art programs for the iPhone. I have used it with Sketches and find it a necessity for drawing and on-screen writing.

The Pogo works by mimicking a finger. It's about 1/4 the size of a pinky. I assume this is as small an area as the iPhone can be fooled into thinking is a finger. It has an aluminum barrel that comes in various colors and has a soft tip with as much capacitance as a finger to pass an electrical charge to react with the screen.

As for accuracy, the Pogo stylus is not quite as accurate as your finger for pressing buttons. It is far more accurate than your finger at screen movement.


  • Hold straight up and down, not at an angle.
  • Make firm contact.
  • Keep your screen clean. (Good advice when using your finger too.)

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J. Kevin Wolfe
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