Taking a self portrait with your iPhone seems like a crapshoot, but here are a few tips that can substantially improve your photos.
- Pose in ample, indirect light. It may not seem it, but indirect light coming from a window will be brighter than any artificial light source. The more light the sharper the picture will appear. Noise and reduced contrast in low light scenes makes images look less focused. If there's too little light your image may also be blurry.
- Your iPhone should be between your light and your face.
- With the screen of your iPhone facing you, hold down the shutter with your index finger. Turn the camera toward you and release. The shutter button sits about 1/2 inch above the home button if you're working by feel.
- Hold the camera at eye level about a foot to arm's length from your face. The further away from your face you hold the camera, the smaller your head will be, but the less distorted it will look.
- Look in the mirrored Apple on the back of your phone. When you can see the right side of your chin, your image will be centered.