How to's, best practices and app reviews for your iPhone.

Tips and best practices for your iPhone, best viewed on your iPhone. Remember: Search is your friend.

Wiping Your iPhone

It's not a good idea to pass on an iPhone with any data on it. It's probably not even a good idea to leave an old one lying around with intact data on it. There's a simple way to wipe the contents of your iPhone so that sensitive data is gone.

  • From your Home Screen tap the Settings (Gears) icon.
  • Then: General>Settings>Erase All Content And Settings
  • Okay the prompts.
Wiping will take an hour or more, so make sure it's plugged into power if necessary.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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