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Ear Buds: The Remote

On the iPhone's ear buds the mic and remote control are almost unnoticeable. Once you get used to them you'll be miffed that only one other brand has the same setup so far. On the right cord is a tiny strip with a hole in it. The hole contains a crisp little mic. Squeeze the center of strip to operate the clicker. Operation is not complex, but well thought out:

  • Click once to pause or play your iPod. If you click once while there's an incoming call, this answers the phone. Click once when done to go back to your music.
  • Click twice to skip to the next song. This works on videos to skip to the next chapter.
  • Hold the strip for two seconds to put an incoming call into voice mail without answering.
Cool. The downside of these new earbuds is that they don't stay in your ears as well. I'm thinking of having plastic surgery to my left ear for a better fit. Or maybe I'll just ask Hans, my local tattoo and body piercing artist, if he could mount the clicker on an earring. Way cool.

I hope you know I'm kidding. My local tattoo artist is named Vinnie.

If you're on Vista you'll find the few posts that are Maccentric marked with  at the end of the title so you can easily skip them. If anyone would like to contribute Vista or Linux methods, click my name below and email me the precise steps.
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J. Kevin Wolfe
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